Why Is My Peace Lily Drooping?

A peace lily (Latin name: Spathiphyllum) is a popular plant that people choose to keep.

Its beautiful, long-lasting flowers and green leaves make it a plant that people cherish and enjoy looking after.

These plants are easy to care for and thrive when under bright, indirect light.

Why Is My Peace Lily Drooping?

But as with any other plant, it has some specific needs and if it’s not looked after correctly then there’s a chance that you can run into problems.

Some people find that over time, their peace lily begins to droop, which can be quite concerning!

A drooping peace lily is a sign of several potential problems, including poor lighting, too little water, pest infestations, or lack of nutrients.

Understanding the reasons why your lily might be drooping is the first step in solving the problem.

If you have a drooping peace lily, then you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’re going to break down some of the common causes of this issue, and give you some tips on how you can diagnose and fix the problem! 

Top Causes Of A Drooping Peace Lily

In the sections below, we’re going to cover some of the most common reasons for why a peace lily has drooping leaves or flowers.

Often, helping a plant that’s not doing so well is a process of elimination, so make sure you consider each of these as carefully as you can. 

1. Too Much (Or Too Little) Water

One of the most obvious reasons why your peace lily might be drooping is due to too much or too little water.

Peace lilies are sensitive plants that can react to changes in their water levels. If you give them too much water, then this can cause their roots to begin to rot.

If you give them too little, then there’s a chance that their leaves will begin to wilt and droop. A drooping peace lily is most likely to be due to too little water.

If you want to work out whether or not your peace lily requires additional water, then you’re going to want to check the soil.

Place a finger into the soil and see if it feels dry or moist. If it’s dry, then you may want to add some additional water to your plant.

If it’s moist, then you might want to wait a day or two before adding any more water. 

2. Poor Lighting Conditions

As we mentioned before, Peace Lilies can thrive in low-light conditions—but they still need to get an adequate amount of light!

Peace lilies prefer bright, indirect light, as any form of harsh sunlight can damage their leaves. Consider where your peace lily sits day to day. 

If it is in a location that is too bright, then there’s a chance that its leaves will wilt and droop.

Sheer curtains are a great way of making sure that your lily is getting the right kind of indirect light, so place it somewhere that allows it a lot of light, but is filtered through some form of fabric. 

3. Pest Infestations

One problem that many plant owners have to contend with is the prospect of pest infestations.

Aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs are all common infestations that can damage your plant and cause its leaves to droop.

To control pest infestations, you’ll need to use an insecticide, or else mix a solution of water and dish soap to spray the plant with.

If you want to know whether or not your plant is infested, you can do this by simply inspecting the plant and seeing if it has any small bugs on its leaves or flowers.

Once you deal with the infestation, you can begin to rehydrate your plant and help it to repair. 

Why Is My Peace Lily Drooping? (1)

4. Lack Of Nutrients

Another reason why your peace lily might be drooping is due to a lack of nutrients. Peace lilies, like many plants, require regular fertilization.

This will help to maintain their overall health and vigor. 

If you notice that your peace lily is drooping, and you’ve already ruled out the other potential causes above, then there’s a good chance that it is in need of additional nutrients.

We’d suggest using a water-soluble fertilizer, applying it every two to three weeks during the growing season. You’ll want to do this less frequently during the winter months.

5. Disease Or Stress

There are many different ways that your plant can become stressed and/or diseased. One of the main ways that this occurs is through overwatering.

Too much water can cause its roots to rot, which can then cause disease.

One of the best ways to avoid this is to water your peace lily in the correct amount—as mentioned above—or to ensure that it has proper drainage. 

If you suspect that your peace lily is diseased, we would suggest repotting your plant. This can be difficult and you’ll want to conduct this with a lot of care.

You can also use a soil drench containing fungicide, which will help to cure the problem. If you find yourself lost as to what product to buy to fix this problem, ask for help at a local garden center. 

Final Thoughts

So that was our short guide to help you figure out the reason for a drooping peace lily.

A drooping peace lily is usually because of one of a few issues including pest infections, lack of nutrients, disease, stress, overwatering, dehydration, or poor lighting conditions.

The good news is that most of these problems can be fixed with quick action and then some additional aftercare. 

We hope that this article has helped you diagnose why your plant is drooping and that you’re now more confident about how to fix and prevent this issue in the future.

We wish you the best of luck and hope that soon enough your peace lily is looking more like its old, beautiful self once again. 

Sophie Howard
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