Does Potting Soil Go Bad?

We all love gardening – we are bringing flowers to life, providing them with natural light, watering and coming out with an array of colorful plants.

One of the things that contribute towards the plants’ life, however, is the soil it grows in. Potting soil has a very important place in gardening and can make a great difference in the quality of the plant, but can it go bad?

What Is Potting Soil?

Potting soil is a type of soil which helps to grow plants, vegetables and herbs; you may also hear of this being referred to as potting mix.

With this soil, you would be using it for small plants or areas, especially with indoor plants. Outdoor plants, because of the direct sunlight and naturally given nutrients, does not necessarily require this type of soil.

Without potting soil, plants would not have the proper care they deserve. This soil contains specific ingredients in order to provide plants with nutrients, good texture and keeps them moisture.

Plants need to be loved, cared for and placed in the best environment to grow. Many only speak of the importance of sunlight and water, yet potting soil is equally as important.

Can Potting Soil Go Bad?

The straightforward answer to this question is no, potting soil cannot go bad. However, with this being said, potting soil can lose its freshness.

It is difficult to determine whether to considerer potting soil as something that can go bad, yet there are several arguments both for and against the idea.

As potting soil is natural, there is always opportunity for it to be rejuvenated however this is not ideal for everyone.

It is true that potting soil will not hold the freshness it had as new, and this is able to be identified through several signs.

How To Tell Your Potting Soil Has Lost Its Freshness

There are a number of clear signs to indicate your potting soil is no longer fresh and these signs are important to look out for.

Potting soil is the difference between a good quality and a bad quality plant, so in order to keep your plants strong and healthy with plenty of nutrients it is necessary to watch out for these signs.


One thing to look out for when it comes to the quality of potting soil is the smell. You may find that your soil smells like rotting eggs and this is usually an indicator of your soil being in water for too long.

If this happens this is easily reversible. All you need to do is spread the soil out in the pot and have it sitting under the sun to dry out; this will work to regain its health back.

The reason why too much water makes the potting soil smell bad it because of the bacteria that is formed from it.

Fungus Gnats

Fungus gnats are those little flies that you will commonly find around houseplants. Although harmless, these pests are prone to laying eggs and multiplying excessively.

If you do happen to find these fungus gnats in and around your potting soil then there is a high chance this soil has lost its freshness. Gnats can damage your plant roots, so it is important to act fast to fix the problem.

Again, this is the cause of damp soil; in order to get rid of these pests, leave your plant to dry in the sun and avoid watering for a while. Eventually the gnats will be gone.


This may come as a surprise to some, but potting soil can grow mold. For mold to grow, the soil would have to be sitting in its bag for too long, particularly with the weather being warm.

In order to kill off this mold quickly, allow the soil to have plenty of fresh air and natural sunlight.

Good Potting Soil

When committing to your choice of potting soil, you want one that is of the best quality and will be beneficial for your plant. So, what is it that makes potting soil good?

Good Drainage

One thing to look out for is good drainage. It is important for your potting soil to be able to drain when it needs to as too much water can only lead to negative results.

Whilst it is necessary for this soil to keep its moisture, drainage is also an essential aspect.


When picking your potting soil you want it to feel light – this is to protect the plant. Potting soil is made specifically for plant pots and as we all know, plant pots only have so much space.

You want the soil that goes in this pot light as to have anything heavier will risk the plant suffocating. This can also make the too wet.

Final Thoughts

Overall, whether potting soil can go bad or not is something which is under debate. Whilst it is true that this soil can lose its freshness, there are ways to revive it so that the soil can live on and protect your plants.

In order to do this, however, it is important to watch out for the signs. Does your potting soil smell like something is rotting? Do you see flies roaming around the soil?

Do you see mold? All of these are signs that your potting soil is taking a turn for the worst and needs to be dealt with. You can decide to throw out and replace this soil or you can choose to revive it.

If you are new to gardening, then you should know what to look for in order to have good quality potting soil.

Your soil needs to have good drainage (soil should be moist but not too wet) and your soil needs to be lightweight (do not let your plants suffocate or get too wet).

Potting soil plays a huge role when it comes to the maintenance of plants and it is important to know how to protect your garden in the best way possible. By following this guide, you will be able to achieve the best garden results with healthy potting soil.

Sophie Howard
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