Can Yellow Leaves Turn Green Again?

When caring for houseplants the one thing that we crave is that vibrant green to liven up the house, not a mustard yellow.

For any plant lover, seeing this is not something to be excited about and it takes away from the vibrancy of the home. But is there a chance these yellow leaves can turn green again?

Can Yellow Leaves Turn Green Again

Why Your Leaves Are Turning Yellow

It is a natural thing for our plant’s leaves to turn yellow and it is something that happens to many people.

There are a few reasons why this could be happening to you:

Little Light – It is important for plants to have enough sunlight but with indoor plants, it is the job of the owner to make that happen.

Outdoor plants are always surrounded by light but in the house, this can sometimes be difficult. If your houseplant is not receiving enough light then there is a chance its leaves will eventually turn yellow.

Overwatering/Underwatering – Your houseplant may be receiving unnecessary stress from the amount of water it is receiving.

Too much water or too little water can be cause for yellow leaves – this is the most common reason.

Age – On some occasions is yellow leaves a normal journey for plants. As a plant ages, its leaves begin to droop and its leaves turn a shade of yellow. This is nothing to worry about as it is a natural part of their cycle.

Change In Temperature – Another reason for your leaves turning yellow is due to a sudden change in temperature; this temperature change is usually humid.

The air and temperature all contribute to the life of a plant, and a sudden change can cause the leaves to yellow, dry up and wither. It’s important to keep plants in a stabilized climatized environment.

Is It Possible For Leaves To Turn Green Again?

When we see that yellow leaf on our plant we can only hope for a reverse button for it to turn back to its gorgeous green, however, it is not that easy. Unfortunately, once a leaf has turned yellow there is no going back.

Eventually, this yellow leaf will slowly die and remove itself from the plant, but if you wish you can snip the lone leaf off by yourself with a pair of scissors close to the stem.

Despite this, this is not a cause for alarm. Even though your plant’s leaf has turned yellow, that is not to say that your plant is doomed.

It still has the ability to grow and bloom just as usual. You can even look at this yellow leaf as a blessing in disguise – without its appearance, you would have never known of the plant’s need for extra attention.

How To Keep Your Houseplants Green

How to Keep Your Houseplants Green

All plant owners want their plants to stay vibrant and green – green plants work to liven up any home and bring freshness to their environment. So, what is the best way to keep your plants green and healthy?

Use Quality Pot Soil – When choosing your pot soil, you want to make sure that it is of good quality. Good quality means that your plants will grow big and strong and lower the risk of your plants dying.

Know How To Water – One of the things which people get wrong is watering. It is important to know how to water your plants correctly to ensure their long life.

A good way to know when your plant is ready to be watered is to stick a finger into the soil (2 inches); if it is dry it needs to be watered.

Fertilize Your Plants – When water is poured into your plant this, in turn, removes the nutrients needed. It is essential to use fertilizer to keep your plant alive.

Check For Insects – It is natural for insects to find their way into your plant pot. Make sure to always keep a close eye out for any pests you may find around your plant and be prepared to get rid of these bugs/treat your plant.

Clean Your Leaves – Not everyone knows this but it is important to clean your pot and leaves.

Dust can easily form on your plant pot so this needs to be wiped down; this dust can also form on the leaves. In order to clean your leaves, take a damp towel and wipe them down. Alternatively, you can choose to take the plant outside and hose down the leaves.

The Benefits Of Owning A Houseplant

Owning a houseplant is more than just fashion or trend. Houseplants hold many benefits and it is those benefits that make people want to collect them in their homes.

Owning a houseplant means:

  • You can breathe easier
  • You have a lowered amount of stress and anxiety
  • Your mood is brightened
  • You are more focused

Final Thoughts

To all plant owners out there, it is okay for the leaves of your plant to turn yellow! This is something that happens to the best of us but is does not mean you are not trying to keep it alive or are neglecting it.

If you do find a yellow leaf, this doesn’t mean the end of life for your plant. This, if anything, is a positive sign. By catching sight of this yellow leaf, you are able to remove the leaf (or let it eventually fall off by itself) and concentrate better on the life of that plant.

There are many reasons as to why a leaf would turn yellow – overwatering, underwatering, not enough sunlight, humidity, natural aging, and plenty more, however, these are easy mistakes to make.

Not just anyone can look after a plant. It takes patience, hard work, a good memory, and dedication.

Many people find their plants dying quickly because they have not mastered the correct method and give up, however it takes practice.

Once you are used to taking care of a plant, this will be something you will never be able to let go of.

Introduce houseplants and watch your home brighten up!

Sophie Howard
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