Best Plants For Bathroom Smells

Studies have shown that having plants and flowers in the bathroom offer a calming effect to those in the room. They can also help to eliminate any bathroom odors by purifying the air. 

Best Plants For Bathroom Smells

Most people do not place plants in the bathroom because it can be difficult to know which species can withstand the quickly changing environment and humidity of the bathroom. 

In this article, we have compiled a list of the best plants for bathroom smells. Read on for more information on this topic, and how to make the best of the situation. Let’s dive in!

What Are The Benefits Of Having Plants In The Bathroom?

There are a few different benefits when it comes to having plants in the bathroom. These include: 

Purify The Air

Most people wouldn’t think that pollution levels are higher indoors. Plants are a natural way to clean the air, as they breathe in the dirty air and breathe out clean air.

This means that if you have plants in the bathroom, they will filter out any bad smells that could be present in the bathroom.

Increase Your Energy

Having plants in your house will also lead to a boost of energy. This will give you a feeling of vitality meaning that you will get an extra boost of energy in the morning.

The plants provide you with positive energy, helping your morning go much more smoothly.

Improve The Atmosphere

Having plants in a room improves the atmosphere of the room greatly. We spend a lot of time in the bathroom each day, having a shower, brushing our teeth, and going to the toilet.

The atmosphere in your bathroom must be positive, and this can be improved by placing some green plants in there.

Benefits If You Have Problems With Damp

Having plants in your bathroom can be beneficial when it comes to preventing dampness from forming in your bathroom. This is because plants will breathe in moist air and breathe out fresh air.

When you rush out of the door in the morning after your shower it is good to know that your plant is soaking up all of the moisture that you have left in the bathroom. 

While having plants in the bathroom won’t solve any major damp issues, it will slow down the growth of mold that occurs due to a moist atmosphere.

Improve Mental Health

It has been proven that having plants in your home can improve your mental health. Being around plants can improve communication skills and relationships.

This could be because plants can relieve stress and put you in a calm and relaxing mood.

Best Plants For Your Bathroom

When you are picking plants to keep in the bathroom, you’ll want to choose varieties that love to be in a moist atmosphere. You want plants that will do well in low-light situations and are very durable. 

Let’s take a  look at some of the best plants to keep in your bathroom to help combat bathroom smells!

Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos is commonly referred to as a money plant. The leaves on this plant are heart-shaped and the plant can survive in lots of different environments. The only thing this plant can’t withstand is temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius. 

During the winter months, the Golden Pothos do not dye off completely, but the plant goes into hibernation. 

This plant is perfect for the bathroom because it does not need much watering. Instead, they need only small portions of water. 

A study that was conducted found that the Golden Pothos plant can filter over 73 percent of all pollutants, making it a perfect plant to purify the air. This means that the plant will help to eliminate any unwanted bathroom odors. 

While this plant has many different benefits, you will need to be careful in some instances if you are keeping this plant in your home. For instance, it can be harmful to cats and dogs, so you will need to place it somewhere away from your furry friends! 

Aloe Vera 

Aloe vera is a great plant to grow in high humidity, which the bathroom often is! It also grows well under bright internal light, so you will not need a window in your bathroom for it to flourish.

Aloe vera will grow well in direct sunlight, too, so you can place it on a windowsill in a bathroom. 

Aloe vera plants have lots of benefits, and these benefits make them great plants to have in the bathroom. For instance, they are very good at purifying the air, therefore eliminating any unpleasant bathroom smells. 

As well as this, aloe vera has healing properties for the skin, adding to the benefits of growing this plant in your bathroom. 

Aloe Vera plants do not require daily care, making them perfect for those who are looking for low-maintenance plants. You can leave the soil to dry to around 1 or 2 inches before you need to water your aloe vera. 

Usually, this will need watering around every 3 weeks, but during the winter, you will need to 

water the plant sparingly.

You should be careful with your aloe vera plant around your pets as if it is ingested it can cause nausea and vomiting. Ensure you keep it out of the reach of children and pets! 

Peace Lily 

The peace lily is a beautiful plant that comes from the Araceae plant family. It blooms beautifully when it is placed in low light and damp soil, which are common bathroom conditions. 

Peace lilies are also very good for purifying the air and eliminating pollutants like xylene and ammonia. This means that the peace lily will certainly help to eliminate bad smells in the bathroom!

The peace lily does not require much watering, and it will thrive if the room it is in is very humid. This is because the peace lily is a tropical plant that needs warm temperatures and humidity. 

The peace lily is toxic to babies and pets. Ensure that you place them out of reach so that they don’t cause any harm.

English Ivy 

English ivy is one of the best plants to place in your bathroom to combat bathroom smells. This is because it is very effective when it comes to dealing with pollutants such as ammonia and benzene. It also can eliminate fecal particles from the air. 

This plant prefers cool and humid environments. It requires regular watering, and you shouldn’t let the soil dry out to more than 1 ⁄ 2 an inch before you give it some more water.

This plant can be damaging to pets and children, so you should keep it out of reach to ensure their safety.


The orchid is another plant that will help to eliminate bathroom smells. Unlike most plants, orchids extract water from the air, meaning they thrive with high levels of humidity.

You will need to water the plant at least once a week to ensure that it stays healthy. 

This plant is perfect for bathroom smells because it can eliminate lots of different toxic gases from the air. It is also completely safe for children or pets.

Kimberly Queen Fern

The Kimberly Queen Fern is a non-toxic plant that is perfect for improving the smells in your home. This is because it can purify the air. 

This plant can grow everywhere, but it is not able to grow in frosty conditions or in the winter months. 

It is a very effective plant in absorbing moisture from the air, making it perfect for the bathroom environment. 

These ferns thrive in shaded areas with very little sunshine, but they do require a lot of water. This means that your watering schedule will need to be regular for the plant to stay healthy.

Boston Fern

The Boston fern is grown in swampy areas, meaning it thrives on the humidity that is found in the bathroom. 

The plant is great for aesthetic reasons, as well as being great at improving the odor in the home by eliminating any toxic substances. 

For this plant to thrive, it needs a regular watering schedule. It is a hardy plant that can survive in dark areas with low sunshine, so if your bathroom doesn’t have a window, this is a great choice for you. 

This plant is also safe for pets and humans, meaning you can place it anywhere in the bathroom and it won’t cause any harm.

Final Thoughts 

So, there you have it! After reading this article you should now have a detailed understanding of which plants work well in the bathroom to eliminate any smells. 

There are lots of plants that can survive and thrive in the bathroom, improving their life and the bathroom experience. Give some of these plants a try today!

Sophie Howard
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