Are Prayer Plants Toxic To Cats?

The Prayer plant is a beautiful house plant that thrives with indirect light and even temperatures. The plant typically grows to around 12 inches in height, and it is characterized by dark green, broad leaves. 

Are Prayer Plants Toxic To Cats

There are lots of benefits to keeping plants in your home, but it is essential to find ones that aren’t toxic to cats!

This article will explore whether this common household plant is safe for your feline friends.

It will also look into other houseplants that are safe for cats, the most common toxic plants to avoid, and how to prevent your cats from experiencing plant poisoning! 

Are Prayer Plants Toxic To Cats And Dogs?

The prayer plant is not toxic to cats or dogs. Prayer plants are great for households with pets because they grow well in hanging pots.

This means that they will often be out of reach of your pets, protecting the plant from damage caused by your pet.

What Is A Prayer Plant?

Prayer Plants are unique plants with feathery leaves that reflect veins. The foliage on this plant is beautiful, making it perfect for placing on a window sill or on shelves. It will bring a lot of color to a room. 

This plant is also known as Maranta Lauconeura. It is a flowering plant that is native to tropical forests in Brazil.

The leaves have white veins, and they lie flat during the day and rise up at night in a motion that looks like the plant is praying. This is where the plant gets its common name from. 

During the growing season, the plant will bloom in small white flowers. They thrive in a minimum temperature of around 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius).

The leaves on this plant are round, green, and glossy. They are two-toned and the color on the underside of the leaf can range from light green to deep red. 

This plant does not survive well in direct sunlight, and it thrives in high humidity levels. This can be achieved by spraying the plant.

What Other Houseplants Are Safe For Cats?

What Other Houseplants Are Safe For Cats

Houseplants make great additions to any living room. Whether you are looking for a new decoration or hoping to improve your mood and the quality of the air, a houseplant can really do the trick. 

If you have cats, you will need to be careful when choosing a houseplant, as it is important to choose plants that are not toxic to your feline friend! 

While you do need to be careful, there are plenty of indoor plants that are safe for cats, so there will definitely be something that fits what you’re looking for and will not cause harm to your pet!

Consider some of these non-toxic houseplants: 

  • Ponytail palm
  • Polka dot Plant 
  • Zebra Cactus 
  • Certain succulents 
  • Spider plants 
  • Certain herbs
  • Sunflowers 

There are a large number of houseplants that you can choose from, as only a few are toxic to cats. If you have your heart set on a particular plant, it is important to research it before you purchase the plant.

Cats are very likely to show an interest in a new plant, so you will need to ensure that it is not toxic to your cat to ensure that it doesn’t experience plant poisoning.

What Houseplants Are Toxic To Cats?

There are lots of houseplants that are safe to have in your home. Some examples of these are listed above. 

However, there are some plants that are toxic to cats.

If you learn that one of the plants in your home is toxic, you should move it to a location that your furry friends don’t have access to. You can also opt to remove it from your home. 


Lilies are very toxic to cats. The pollen from these flowers is very dangerous to them and it can cause kidney failure and it sometimes results in death for cats.

If you have cats, it is highly recommended that you keep lilies out of your home. 


Aloe, while it is beneficial to humans, is toxic to cats. It can cause your cats to become lethargic and develop an upset stomach. 


Daffodils are highly toxic. They are dangerous to humans if ingested, and can cause even more damage to your furry family members! You should ensure to keep these plants away from your cats.

Asparagus Fern

The berries on an asparagus fern can cause stomach upset if ingested by your cat. Brushing up against the leaves can cause skin irritation, too.

These are just a few examples of some of the plants that are toxic to your cat. If you know your pet has been chewing on a toxic houseplant, you should give your vet a call immediately for guidance on the next steps! 

What Happens If Your Cat Is Poisoned By A Toxic Houseplant?

Toxic indoor houseplants can cause poisoning that will be very uncomfortable for young cats. It can even be dangerous at times. 

Toxic houseplants can cause a range of different symptoms including an upset stomach, skin irritation, or sickness.

It is very important that you are cautious when bringing new plants into the home, and that you ensure that they are safe for the whole family. 

How To Prevent Accidental Plant Poisoning 

If you have cats that spend a lot of time indoors, it is important to keep any toxic plants away from your cats.

You should research every plant that you consider bringing into your home. If the plant is toxic to cats, keep it out of your home.

Final Thoughts 

Prayer plants are not toxic to cats. You can keep these plants in your home, and your cats will not be affected. Prayer plants are beautiful plants that bring color and comfort to any room. 

While this plant is not toxic to cats, there are plenty of plants that are. Ensure you keep these out of your home to protect your furry friends! 

Sophie Howard
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