Are Majesty Palms Toxic To Cats?

If you share your home with a cat (because let’s face it, nobody really owns a cat), then you will know that these creatures can often be sensitive beings.

While they might have a tough exterior, cats are genetically predisposed to be more sensitive to things such as toxins and chemicals. This means that cats are frequently very sensitive to the flowers and plants that you place in your home. 

If you are a pet owner, then you will know that there are all sorts of plants and flowers that are safe for humans, but toxic to cats and dogs.

That is why you have to be incredibly careful when deciding what plants to add to your home. Especially if your cat is incredibly curious, like most cats are. 

In this guide, we’ll be taking a look at majesty palms to find out if these are toxic to cats. So, if you want to find out more, keep on reading.

What Is A Majesty Palm?

First things first, let’s take a look at what a Majesty Palm is. As you might expect, a majesty palm is a type of tree, and it is actually part of the Arecaceae family.

While this type of palm tree can grow to huge sizes when grown in the wild, you are probably more familiar with it being sold in small pots. That is the great thing about a Majesty Palm, these trees will grow to whatever size you allow them to be. 

Majesty palms are truly beautiful. They have traditional upward facing leaves (like you would expect from a palm tree). But, these leaves divide into long, thin fingers, creating a small tree that is truly beautiful when used to style your home.

While you might not have been familiar with a Majesty Palm before, when you look at it, you will likely recognize it, and that is because this tree is truly unique. But is it toxic to cats? Let’s find out. 

Are Majesty Palms Toxic To Cats?

If you like the look of a Majesty Palm, and would like to add one to your home, then you will be glad to hear that they are not toxic to cats. In fact, Majesty Palms are not only non-toxic to cats, but non-toxic to dogs too.

So, no matter what furry friend you have in your home, a Majesty Palm will be a safe addition. Even if your cat enjoys chewing on the leaves of your houseplants. 

This is a good thing because it means that it will always be safe to leave your cat at home with your Majesty Palm. That is because your cat will cause more damage to your Majesty Palm, than your Majesty Palm will do to them. 

Most palm plants are non-toxic to cats, but it is important to remember that while most palm plants are safe, not all palm plants are. So, some palm plants are toxic to cats, these include sago palm trees.

So, if you want to add a palm plant to your home, then a Majesty Palm is a safe choice. However, there are some other palm plants that you will be able to choose between. 

Why Are Some Plants Toxic To Cats?

As we have said, cats are very sensitive creatures, and this plays a big part in the reason why so many plants are toxic to them. In particular, cats have very sensitive skin that is easily irritated, and any plant that causes this irritation will be considered to be toxic.

A lot of the time, toxic plants are not deadly to cats, instead they simply cause irritation to the skin. This could include swelling or redness, and it will typically be caused by your cat simply being in the vicinity of the toxic plant

However, some plants can have a much more disastrous effect on your cat’s health. Especially if your cat eats and digests these plants.

Some of these negative health effects include inflammation of the stomach, and damage to the function of your cat’s internal organs (including the kidneys and heart). 

One of the main reasons why cats are so sensitive to toxins is because they have fewer liver enzymes than humans. This means that their liver metabolism is much different to ours, and this means that they are more sensitive as they are less able to filter toxins and chemicals.

While dogs are sensitive to poisons and toxins, the fact that cats have fewer liver enzymes actually makes them more susceptible to poisoning. That is why it is insanely important that you do your research before adding a houseplant to your home. 

What Other Plants Are Non-Toxic To Cats?

If you want to add more than one plant to your home, and are considering something as well as a Majesty Palm, then there are lots of plants to choose from.

To help you decide what other plants you could add to your home (without putting your cat’s health at risk), we’ve put together a quick list of safe plants for you.

These plants include:

  • Spider Plant
  • Goldfish Plant
  • Swedish Ivy
  • African Violet
  • Lipstick Plant
  • Christmas Cactus
  • Burro’s Tail

The plants that we have listed above are just a small handful of the plants that are safe (and non-toxic) for cats, and there are actually lots more that you can choose from.

Just because you have a cat, doesn’t mean that you can’t have house plants. It simply means that you have to be more cautious when deciding which house plants to add to your home. But, one option that is non-toxic, and safe for your cats is a Majesty Palm. 


In short, Majesty Palms are safe for cats because they are not toxic. So, if you want to add a pretty Majesty Palm to your home, you can do so without worrying about it affecting your cat’s health. Even if your cat is a curious cat that enjoys munching on house plants. 

Sophie Howard
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